How engaging with customers in-store leads to more sales and more commission for sales staff
How frustrating do you find it in a shop where you have to queue at the counter for assistance, even to ask a simple question about an item?
Wouldn’t it be great if a staff member were able to approach you and help you where you need it without waiting in line?
What if they could instantly look up details and tell you everything you wanted to know about an item?
And even take your payment there and then so you don’t have to queue at the cash desk?
It would be a much better experience for you as a customer, and you’d be more likely to buy from that store again wouldn’t you?
Now look at it from your point of view as a salesperson in your retail outlet.
- You can serve more customers in less time
- They won’t be frustrated by waiting in line
- You can engage more closely with them, in more privacy
- They’ll be happy to buy from you again
- You’ll increase your sales revenue and, more importantly your commission!
It’s totally possible using cloud-based solutions.
Today’s technology means that you can hold an entire catalogue of your items on a tablet (iPad, Android etc), and get detailed information on each one, or search for specific items like Rose, or Cross, for example, to find a range of items the customer might be interested in. Customers can see everything on your tablet and make better decisions. You then have the chance to upsell or suggest additional items.
Expand the catalogue to have purchase capabilities and you don’t need to go the sales counter (at least for credit/debit card purchases). Some EPoS systems with this capability are cloud-based, and link in to the stock system to show and then decrement stock quantities as items are sold. If you have multiple stores, it can tell you if stock is available elsewhere, too.
As part of the sales process, you can add customer details, including email addresses, so you can then send an ereceipt, or add them to a marketing database to keep in touch.
On the technical side, a cloud-based solution means that you can quickly switch or reassign tablets, something you can’t easily do with a fixed till.
Even Chip & Pin services are changing to wireless devices that are more flexible so that you can select a terminal to use with any sale, or quickly use a different terminal if one fails or loses power. Printers and cash-drawers can be shared. Printers and cash-drawers can be shared to maximise your hardware resources.
If you provide a stock of bags in a separate area, perhaps with a wireless or networked receipt printer, you can complete a sale without going anywhere near the counter.
Imagine how much easier busy periods like Christmas and Mother’s Day would be if you could add more tills?
All this by just being mobile.
Have a look at how Bransom can help.
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