We all like to think that our computers are secure, won't break down or catch a virus, but the truth is a failure can hit you when you're least expecting it.
A recent survey suggests that over half[...]
If you’re running more than one jewellery retail shop or have an online store as well, it’s easy to lose track of where stock is, what needs to be ordered, what stock has been sitting around too l[...]
There’s a pretty neat strategy called foreshadowing that you can use in your email marketing to improve open rates. You may have seen this used on news programs and talk shows. Right before the comm[...]
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a number or a schedule you could follow? While it would be great if there was research that suggested that mailing exactly every 5 days gets you the best results eve[...]
The first thing you need to get right when it comes to email marketing is the subject line. If you can’t get your subscribers to open your emails, it really doesn’t matter how good the actual emai[...]